Thursday, November 11, 2010


Have you noticed lately that things have started to trim up? The 2010 budget. Political corruption bribes . And even the cut of your tie. That’s right, the quintessential male staple has finally had a makeover. Go to any hip nightclub in Nairobi and I guarantee you’ll see dudes wearing what appears to be an anorexic tie. The fashion scene isn’t resistant to fads as feeble as this.
Prior to a couple years ago, you’d be appalled to find a tie that was narrower than 3.75 inches at the widest part.  So does that mean you can just go out and buy the new “skinny” tie and fit in on the Magnificent Mile? Not quite.
Clothing is a lot like the architecture on Street: it’s about balance and visual proportions. Thus, rocking a skinny tie with your Armani  suit from two years ago isn’t going to work out. Why you ask? Because the lapels on your suit coat probably measure 3 inches or wider and the thin tie is lost in between; there's no balance.
In  perfect semblance, the widest part of your lapel should match the widest part of your tie. Therefore, if you want to catch this trend and not look like a victim of fashion marketing, you’ll need to update the suits as well. Pull it off correctly, and you might just earn some style at only KSHS 300 at Sir bradleys....


  1. Wow..! I love this post, i think I will even embed it on my blog, you are so eloquent have the words of a fashion writer/ make my blog look like a sham..:-)

  2. Thanx paps coming from you that means alot,i writting ay
