Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Sir Bradleys: in defence of the skinny tie...

Sir Bradleys: in defence of the skinny tie...: "Ay mates its been a while now,2011 is full of surprises and we have seen revolutions like never before,besides that the extreme weather cond..."

in defence of the skinny tie...

Ay mates its been a while now,2011 is full of surprises and we have seen revolutions like never before,besides that the extreme weather conditions around nairobi,are moody oscillating between extremes,you will at some point in your life realise that this is actually due to some bipolar condition,northpole vs southpole(pun intended).ooh yeah right am here to defend the skinny before you oust it ,off the power suits..........Skinnys are here to stay,let me hand you a few pointers why
1) they will always be beside you even in lean times..
2) Fat ties cant keep up..yap you guessed right coz they fat, thats why you can only wear them in suits but not on a casually
3) If in any case you wanna look sharp,its only logical you look at the tip of the skinny tie,and yeah i know i know its actually sharp,hence translating to your sharp look